For submitting and mutating data on server use the useSubmit
hook that
automates command handling. There are tons of options to adjust this
hook so check out the documentation.
Submit method received from useSubmit hook allow us to trigger requests on some events. What makes it unique is that it is also a promise that also returns data from a particular call. Thanks to this functionality, we can fire additional logic at the end of sending, such as resetting the form or displaying notifications. This simplifies the logic considerably and eliminates the need for reefs in the case of forms.
const { submit, submitting } = useSubmit(postUser);
const handlePost = async (values: { email: string; password: string }, { resetForm }: FormikHelpers) => {
// We can await for response from submit method
const response = await submit({ data: values });
import { postUser, patchUser, deleteUser } from "server/user";
// ...
function Page() {
const { submit, submitting } = useSubmit(postUser);
const handlePost = async (values: { email: string; password: string }, { resetForm }: FormikHelpers) => {
// We can await for response from submit method
const response = await submit({ data: values });
return (
<Form onSubmit={handlePost}>
<Input name="email" />
<Input name="password" />
<Button disabled={submitting}>Submit</Button>
import { postUser, patchUser, deleteUser } from "server/user";
// ...
function Page() {
const { submit, submitting } = useSubmit(patchUser.setParams({ userId: 1 }));
const handlePatch = (values: { email: string }) => {
submit({ data: values });
return (
<Form onSubmit={handlePatch}>
<Input name="email" />
<Input name="password" />
<Button disabled={submitting}>Submit</Button>
// Or
function Page() {
const { submit, submitting } = useSubmit(patchUser);
const handlePatch = async (values: { email: string }, { resetForm }: FormikHelpers) => {
// We can await for response from submit method
const response = await submit({ data: values, params: { userId: 1 } });
return (
<Form onSubmit={handlePatch}>
<Input name="email" />
<Input name="password" />
<Button disabled={submitting}>Submit</Button>
import { postUser, patchUser, deleteUser } from "server/user";
// ...
function Page() {
const { submit, submitting } = useSubmit(deleteUser);
return (
<button type="button" onClick={() => submit({ params: { userId: 1 } })} disabled={submitting}>
// Or
function Page() {
const { submit, submitting } = useSubmit(deleteUser.setParams({ userId: 1 }));
return (
<button type="button" onClick={() => submit()} disabled={submitting}>