You can easily create the stubs helpers for the test setup using the existing development environment.
Stub helpers
Below is an example of use with the MSW library.
import { setupServer } from "msw/node";
export const server = setupServer();
const createStub = <Command extends CommandInstance>(command: Command, fixture?: ExtractResponse<T>) => {
// Describe the requests to mock.
rest.get(command.endpoint, (req, res, ctx) => {
return res(ctx.json(fixture));
Stub tests
Then we can use the prepared util along with the commands prepared during development.
import { getBook } from "api/books";
beforeAll(() => {
// Establish requests interception layer before all tests.
afterAll(() => {
// Clean up after all tests are done, preventing this
// interception layer from affecting irrelevant tests.
test("renders a book details component", () => {
const book = { bookId: 1, bookTitle: "Lord of the Rings" };
createStub(getBook, book);
// Render component, perform request, API communication is covered above.
// Some assertions