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Version: 5.x.x

Axios introduction

Hyper Fetch axios adapter is a simple integration that allows Hyper Fetch users to utilize a lot of features of the axios library along with all the features available in Hyper Fetch.

Getting Started

In order to set axios adapter, you have to import it from the @hyper-fetch/axios package:

import { Client } from "@hyper-fetch/core";
import { axiosAdapter } from "@hyper-fetch/axios";

const client = new Client({ url: "base-url" }).setAdapter(axiosAdapter);

...and voila! It's done. Now you can set all the axios options, either during the request initialization or via setOptions method:

const client = new Client({ url: "base-url" }).setAdapter(axiosAdapter);
const request = client.createRequest()({
endpoint: "/shared-endpoint",
options: {} // here

const requestWithOptions = request.setOptions({}) // or here


  1. You should not pass the baseUrl, method, and url in the axios options. They will be overwritten by the Hyper Fetch adapter.