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Version: 5.x.x



Cache stores response data from requests. It uses an event system that successively transmits data and takes care of validation in the system. Data is stored under cacheKey in the storage (which by default is a Map object, but can be replaced by any other compatible interface).


  • Stores request results
  • Manages stored data
  • Emits storage events


The cache stores data on a key-value basis. The key is always specified inside the request as cacheKey; it determines where the data is stored and is used in propagation of data handling events.

By default, the cacheKey value is auto-determined based on the method, endpoint, and query params of the given request. However, there is nothing to prevent you manually adding the key when setting the request or using one of its methods.

Thanks to the automatic way of indexing data in the cache, we do not have to worry about paginated keys in the data – everything will happen automatically.


Available cache events.

emitCacheData: (cacheKey: string, data: CacheValueType<Response, Error, Adapter>) => void;
emitInvalidation: (cacheKey: string) => void;
onData: (cacheKey: string, callback: (data: CacheValueType<Response, Error, Adapter>) => void) => VoidFunction;
onInvalidate: (cacheKey: string, callback: () => void) => VoidFunction;


By default, the cache uses Map as a data retention location. However, you can also choose where the data is stored in the system – i.e. local storage or IndexedDB – regardless if the source works synchronously or asynchronously. This allows you to set up persistent storage across sessions.

export const client = new Client<ServerErrorType>({
url: "localhost:3000",
cache: (instance) =>
new Cache(instance, {

Read Cache

The cache can be read using the get method. It returns the data stored under the given key.

const data = client.cache.get("key");

// OR

const getUsers = client.createRequest()({
method: "GET",
endpoint: "/users",
const data = client.cache.get(getUsers.cacheKey);

// OR

const getUsers = client.createRequest()({
method: "GET",
endpoint: "/users",
const data = client.cache.get("CUSTOM_CACHE_KEY");
const data = client.cache.get(getUsers.cacheKey);

// OR Dynamic

const getNote = client.createRequest()({
method: "GET",
endpoint: "/notes/:noteId",
const data = client.cache.get(getNote.setParams({ noteId: 1 }).cacheKey);

Write Cache

The cache can be written using the set method. It stores the data under the given key. We MUST pass the whole request to the set method as it stores configuration related to cache time, garbage colletion, etc.

You can set everything you want, error states, extra data, etc. The cache will take care of the rest and will emit all necessary events. This way our subsystems will receive it and will be able to react to it.

const getNote = client.createRequest()({
method: "GET",
endpoint: "/notes/:noteId",

client.cache.set(getNote.setParams({ noteId: 1 }), {
data: { text: "Hello World" },
error: null,
status: 200,
success: true,
extra: xhrExtra,

// You can also use callback to read previous data

client.cache.set(getNote.setParams({ noteId: 1 }), (prevData) => ({
data: { text: "Hello World" },

Update Cache

We can update cache by using the update method. It updates the data under the given key. We pass the whole request to method in similar way as we did it with set method.


Cache will be NOT updated if the initial data is not present in the cache.

const getNote = client.createRequest()({
method: "GET",
endpoint: "/notes/:noteId",

client.cache.update(getNote.setParams({ noteId: 1 }), {
data: { text: "Hello World" },
error: null,
status: 200,
success: true,
extra: xhrExtra,

// You can also use callback to read previous data

client.cache.update(getNote.setParams({ noteId: 1 }), (prevData) => ({
data: { text: "Hello World" },

Delete Cache

To delete data from the cache, we can use the delete method. It deletes the data under the given key.

const getNote = client.createRequest()({
method: "GET",
endpoint: "/notes/:noteId",

client.cache.delete(getNote.setParams({ noteId: 1 }).cacheKey);

// OR


Invalidate Cache

You can also invalidate the cache by using the invalidate method. It deletes the data under the given key and emits event, so in case of using it with for example React, it will refetch the data.

const getNote = client.createRequest()({
method: "GET",
endpoint: "/notes/:noteId",

client.cache.invalidate(getNote.setParams({ noteId: 1 }).cacheKey);

// OR


// OR via RegExp

client.cache.invalidate(new RegExp("CUSTOM_CACHE_KEY"));


We can achieve the persistence of stored data by changing the cache storage to persistent. It must match the provided interface.

Read More


Currently there is no cross-tab synchronization. It's planned for a future release.


Cache options can be provided with some lifecycle methods. These are events such as onInitialization.


Configuration options

clearKey: string;
lazyStorage: {
delete: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
get: (key: string) => Promise<CacheValueType<Response, Error, Adapter> | undefined>;
keys: () => Promise<string[] | IterableIterator<string> | string[]>;
set: (key: string, data: CacheValueType<Response, Error, Adapter>) => Promise<void>;
onChange: (key: string, data: CacheValueType<Response, Error, Adapter>) => void;
onDelete: (key: string) => void;
onInitialization: (cache: Cache<C>) => void;
storage: {
clear: () => void;
delete: (key: string) => void;
get: (key: string) => CacheValueType<Response, Error, Adapter> | undefined;
keys: () => string[] | IterableIterator<string> | string[];
set: (key: string, data: CacheValueType<Response, Error, Adapter>) => void;