The ultimate framework for request and realtime connection.
For any JavaScript / TypeScript environment, including Node.js, React, Angular, Svelte, Vue and others.
No more architecture struggles.
We offer an e2e solution that provides unified data flow and full integration with external solutions. Hyper Fetch solves your data management or requesting problems and offers solutions for writing effective tests and maintenance.
Full type safety
Make changes and iterate with confidence by taking full advantage of TypeScript.
Realtime connection
Get easy integration between queries and an open communication channel.
Easy progress tracking
Preview each request and access upload and download status in a fabulously simple way.
Adaptable by design
Support all formats, requirements, and protocols.
Offline first and persistent
Deliver a top-notch experience to your users regardless of their connection status.
Great DX
Hyper Fetch’s outstanding autocomplete capabilities walk you through the process.
Find more details in Architecture Docs
The future is now. Your Must-Have features are here.
We provide a full range of functionalities, interfaces and possibilities so you can create solutions tailored to your needs. Easily connect to the events that power our architecture and confidently create your own logic. Hyper Fetch gives you full control over your data flow like no other framework can.
You can find more details in Comparison
Simpler. Faster. Better.
Reduce the time needed to handle state and reducers. Streamline HTTP adapter setup and its dependencies. Everything is set up right after installation in a fully configured environment with no external dependencies!
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BetterTyped was created to make the best open-source tools – an extremely demanding task. Would you like to partner with us or sponsor our work?