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Version: 3.x.x

React Package Overview

React Hyper Fetch is a data fetching library that implements the main features of the core library and adapts it to the React environment. It handles fetching, submitting, and queueing requests as well as their management in the system.

Together with the provided hooks, React Hyper Fetch makes maintaining and writing new functionalities faster and easier.

Note: A previously prepared request is the minimum requirement for using hooks.


This package provide hooks for both: core and sockets subpackages.


To use hooks, we need to initialize the client and request instances that will be consumed as properties. Take a look at the Quick Start for more examples and check out our React code examples

const { data, error, loading } = useFetch(getUsers);
const { submit, data, error, submitting } = useSubmit(postLogin);

Check our react code examples

Helper hooks

To break down our hook setups into smaller parts, we implemented helper hooks. This enhances code readability; the idea is that the main hook returns minor helpers, which lets us segregate our logic into smaller parts. It's quite simple, as you can see in the example below:

const {
} = useFetch(getUsers);

onRequestStart(({ details, request }) => {
// Do something on query start

onResponseStart(({ response, details, request }) => {
// Do something when query starts returning response

onSuccess(({ response, details, request }) => {
// Do something on query success

onError(({ response, details, request }) => {
// Do something on query fail

onAbort(({ response, details, request }) => {
// Do something on query cancellation

onOffline(({ response, details, request }) => {
// Do something when query goes stale while offline

onFinished(({ response, details, request }) => {
// Do something on query finished (success or false)

onUploadProgress(({ progress, sizeLeft, timeLeft, total, loaded }) => {
// Do something on upload

onDownloadProgress(({ progress, sizeLeft, timeLeft, total, loaded }) => {
// Do something on download