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Version: 5.x.x

Working with Firestore

Available methods

After setting the firestore adapter, we can start performing requests! We should select the appropriate method, corresponding with firebase methods. If you want to learn more about available methods - please refer to the firebase documentation.

Due to its nature, we've solved the realtime listening a bit differently, and thus - this method is not allowed in a standard adapter. For the onSnapshot-like usage, please check how to listen to queries.

const getReq = client.createRequest<Tea[]>()({
endpoint: "",
method: "getDocs", // "addDoc" | "getDoc" | "getDocs" | "setDoc" | "updateDoc" | "deleteDoc"


const getReq = client.createRequest<Tea[]>()({
endpoint: "",
method: "getDocs",

const { data, status, extra, success, error } = await req.send();
// Data is an array of objects, each object also contains the __key param.


  1. ref - collection reference endpoint
  2. snapshot - 'raw' getDocs firestore collection/query reference snapshot


      const req = client
endpoint: ":teaId",
method: "getDoc",
.setParams({ teaId: 1 });

const { data, status, extra, success, error } = await req.send();
// setParams can be also passed in the send() method instead


  1. ref - document reference endpoint
  2. snapshot - 'raw' firestore document reference snapshot


const newData = { origin: "Poland", type: "Green", year: 2023, name: "Pou Ran Do Cha", amount: 10 }
const setReq = client
.createRequest<Tea, Tea>()({
endpoint: ":teaId",
method: "setDoc",
// can also pass options: {merge: true} for achieving the firebase 'merge' option
.setParams({ teaId: 1 })

await setReq.send();
const { data } = await getReq.send();

In case of setDoc - data returned is the same data as passed for setting.


const addDocReq = client
.createRequest<Tea, Tea>()({
endpoint: "",
method: "addDoc",
options: {},

await addDocReq.send()

In case of addDoc - data returned is the same as passed data for setting + the __key param that is id of a newly created document.


const deleteDocReq = client
endpoint: ":teaId",
method: "deleteDoc",
.setParams({ teaId: 1 });

await deleteDocReq

In case of deleteDoc - returned data equals null