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Version: 5.x.x

Realtime listening

Listening to queries - realtime updates

Depending on the product, firebase offers two realtime methods:

  • onValue for Realtime Database
  • onSnapshot for Firestore

In Hyper Fetch, in order to make use of these two methods, we have to use our hyper-fetch/sockets package.

import {Socket} from "@hyper-fetch/sockets";
import {firebaseSocketsAdapter} from "@hyper-fetch/firebase";

const firestoreWebDatabase = <initializedFirestoreDatabase>
const socket = new Socket({ url: "teas/", adapter: firebaseSocketsAdapter(firestoreWebDatabase) });
const onSnapshotRequest = socket.createListener<Tea[]>()({
name: "",
options: { groupByChangeType: true },
const unmount = await onValueReq.listen({ callback: ({data, extra} => {
// do something with data and extra received each time socket gets new data

As you can see in the presented example:

  1. First we need to initialize the socket itself. Here we need to pass an adapter:
    • firebaseSocketsAdapter - for web version of Realtime Database and Firestore - from the @hyper-fetch/firebase package.
    • firebaseSocketsAdminAdapter - for admin version of both databases - from the @hyper-fetch/-firebase-admin package.

The adapter accepts initialized database.

  1. We need to create a listener - here we can pass the additional options, params, etc.

  2. We need to actually listen on the request and provide a callback that will fire each time new data arrives. In case of our firebase adapter, callback can access two params:

  • data - all the received elements.
  • extra - additional data:
    • ref - firebase reference to a path
    • snapshot - firebase raw snapshot
    • status - status indicating whether a query succeeded or failed

Listener initialization returns an unmount function that allows for closing the channel.

Additional options

Right now we have only one option for each database type:


  1. groupByChangeType - if we add this option, the extra object will have additional object named groupedResult
const {added, modified, removed} = extra.groupedResult

Let's suppose we are listening on the teas/ endpoint. Initially, we receive objects. Then, after some time, a new element is added to the list. In the data object we receive all the existing elements - 11. However, the new element will be also available via extra.groupedResult.added list. The same goes for modification of existing elements. All changes are reflected in added, modified, and removed.


  1. onlyOnce - if we add this option, listener will query for data only once.

Filtering realtime queries

You can filter realtime queries exactly in the same way as with 'standard' methods. The example below contains a listener that will return data only for the object with type that equals Green:

// Should listen for changes only for Green teas
const onSnapshotReq = socket.createListener<Tea[]>()({
name: "",
options: { constraints: [$where("type", "==", "Green")] },