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Version: 5.x.x

Openapi generator introduction


Openapi Hyper Fetch code generator is in beta. Please let us know in case of any problems.


Note: Right now this code generator accepts only V3 version of the openapi schema.

Getting Started

In order to start using the request generator, you need only one thing: OpenApi V3 JSON schema file or link to it. Then, you can simply call the package via npx:

npx @hyper-fetch/codegen-openapi --schema

This command will generate the openapi.client.ts that contains generated Hyper Fetch client, requests, and types:

export const client = new Client({ url: "/api/v3" });

export type UpdatePetRequestBody = Paths.UpdatePet.RequestBody;
export type UpdatePetResponseType = Paths.UpdatePet.Responses.$200;

export type AddPetRequestBody = Paths.AddPet.RequestBody;
export type AddPetResponseType = Paths.AddPet.Responses.$200;


export const updatePet = client.createRequest<UpdatePetResponseType, UpdatePetRequestBody, undefined, undefined>()({
method: "PUT",
endpoint: "/pet",

export const addPet = client.createRequest<AddPetResponseType, AddPetRequestBody, undefined, undefined>()({
method: "POST",
endpoint: "/pet",

Declared variables with a created request always take their name from camel-cased operationId. The types naming always follows the convention - pascalCased operationId + {ResponseType/RequestBody/QueryParams}, e.g.:

  • operationId: addPet
  • declared variable: addPet
  • response type: AddPetResponseType
  • request body: AddPetRequestBody

Renaming the file

The command also accepts a second, optional argument: --name, that allows to indicate the name of a resulting file:

npx @hyper-fetch/codegen-openapi --schema --name hyper-fetch.requests.ts

Providing base url

By default, we take the base url from the first server param from the json schema:

"servers": [{ "url": "/api/v3" }]

However, you can provide the --url option for the cli that will be used instead:

npx @hyper-fetch/codegen-openapi --schema --name hyper-fetch.requests.ts --url

Then, the client from the generated file will use it:

... // generated file
export const client = new Client({url: ""})