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Version: 1.x.x



This hook allows us to manipulate the passed command’s Cache and receive change callbacks. It is important to make sure that cacheKey is not affected by auto-generation – that there is a stable connection between the hook's command and the cache.

const { data, error, loading, revalidate, onSuccess, onError, onFinished } = useCache(getUsers);

onSuccess((payload) => {
console.log(payload); // [ User, User, User ]

onError((error) => {
console.log(error); // { message: string }

onFinished(([payload, error, status]) => {
console.log(payload); // [ User, User, User ] | null
console.log(error); // { message: string } | null
console.log(status); // 200 / 400 / 404 / 500 ...


Configuration options for this hook provided as a second parameter.

const { ... } = useCache(command, options)

deepCompare: boolean | typeof isEqual;
dependencyTracking: boolean;
initialData: ClientResponseType<Response, Error> | null;


Returned values from this hook.

const values = useCache(command);

isFocused: boolean;
isOnline: boolean;
setFocused: (isFocused: boolean) => void;
setOnline: (isOnline: boolean) => void;