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Version: 1.x.x



This hook controls the dispatcher queues. It uses the Dispatcher to read the actual value of the queue, which is based on the queueKey retrieved from the command passed as the first argument.

A prepared Command is the minimum requirement for useQueue.


const { requests, stopped, stop, start, pause } = useQueue(getUsers);

How it works?

useQueue uses the command to read the Dispatcher queue value based on its queueKey. Events emitted by the Dispatcher keep this hook up to date. This hook gives you the option to control every single request made in your application and manipulate whole queues and single requests. It works best with the one-by-one dispatching mode, when the queued option is set to true.


Remember to make sure your command queueKey is static when you use this hook. Because it auto-generates keys, it may return wrong values if your command uses params or query params. Providing a custom queueKey when the command is created will avoid this problem.

const { requests, stopped, stop, start, pause } = useQueue(getUsers);

requests.forEach((req) => {


Read more about differences between stop, pause and start in the Dispatcher doc page.


Configuration options for this hook are provided as the second parameter.

const { ... } = useQueue(command, options)


Returned values from this hook.

const values = useQueue(command);

pause: () => void;
requests: {
commandDump: CommandDump<Command>;
requestId: string;
retries: number;
stopped: boolean;
timestamp: number;
deleteRequest: () => void;
downloading: {
loaded: number;
progress: number;
sizeLeft: number;
startTimestamp: number;
timeLeft: number | null;
total: number;
startRequest: () => void;
stopRequest: () => void;
uploading: {
loaded: number;
progress: number;
sizeLeft: number;
startTimestamp: number;
timeLeft: number | null;
total: number;
start: () => void;
stop: () => void;
stopped: boolean;

Request interface

commandDump: CommandDump<Command>;
requestId: string;
retries: number;
stopped: boolean;
timestamp: number;
deleteRequest: () => void;
downloading: {
loaded: number;
progress: number;
sizeLeft: number;
startTimestamp: number;
timeLeft: number | null;
total: number;
startRequest: () => void;
stopRequest: () => void;
uploading: {
loaded: number;
progress: number;
sizeLeft: number;
startTimestamp: number;
timeLeft: number | null;
total: number;